Empowering municipal excellence
The DelChester Public Works Association was initiated in 1991 by a group of concerned municipal officials and municipal oriented vendors, to engage their fellow Municipal employees by making available a venue of meetings to promote current operational and new technology that would help improve our job performance. The goal was to also provide more efficient and cost effective methods of delivering services to our clients, the residents of each of our Municipalities.
Members drive our mission
The membership is comprised of Active Members, official and employees of government agencies, engaged in the field of public works, retired officials and employees of governmental agencies who have been active members in the Association; and Vendor members which are non-municipal employed vendors who supply equipment and services to Municipalities in Delaware and Chester Counties.
Our Board of Directors
The governing body of the Association shall consist of Eleven Directors; Nine (9) Active or Honorary Members and Two (2) Associate Members. The Eleven Directors shall elect the following Officers; President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The immediate past president shall be one of the Directors for a three (3) year term beginning at the end of his/her presidency.
Meetings, education and training
Meetings of the Association are regularly scheduled in March, June, September, and December, are sponsored by Vendor Members and/or the Association itself, and consist of a registration period, general business meeting, an educational program presentation, and a luncheon.
The program presentations are designed to bring new products and procedures to the attention of the members, new Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regulations and programs, discussion of labor relations and employee contracts, discussion of operational techniques, such as snow and ice control, etc., all of which greatly improve the ability of our members to perform their professional duties.